Books That Contain Boats

Hello everyone,

Today I have a list of all the books I have read in which some of the story has taken place on boats, ships, and other marine vessels. For the title of this post, I honestly had to Google to see if a ship was a type of boat or vice versa, just so it would be accurate. I think ‘boats’ just about covers it…

Anyway, on to the list!

A lot of Greek myth retellings cover the story of the Trojan War, and that inevitably includes the Greeks’ long voyage to Troy. During that time a lot happens, such as the sacrifice of Iphigenia, the power struggle between Achilles and Agamemnon, and the sad mistreatment of women.

The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi

In this final part of the Gilded Wolves trilogy, the protagonists travel through Venice on a gondola and are pursued by Ruslan. Along the way, Zofia wrestles with her confused feelings towards Enrique.

Brooklyn by Colm Toibin

Another book where the cover gives it away, Brooklyn tells the story of a girl who falls in love with a boy in New York while her family in Ireland want her to marry someone back home. During her time on the ship, Eilis is taken under the wing of a confident female passenger.

Dangerous Women by Hope Adams

This book was inspired by the true story of when a murder took place on a ship carrying female convicts.

The Devil And The Dark Water by Stuart Turton

One of the standout books I have read that is set on a ship, The Devil And The Dark Water takes place on the Saardam as it travels to Indonesia. With its cut-throat crew and a passenger list that includes the world’s greatest detective, the ship is set upon by the devilish entity Old Tom.

How To Be Brave by Louise Beech

I have included this book in so many list posts, but its story was remarkable and blew me away. It tells of a girl who is diagnosed with diabetes, and to help her come through the difficult early months her mother gives her the true story of how her grandfather (in fact the author’s grandfather) survived weeks on a lifeboat with barely any supplies as other men died around him.

Luck Of The Titanic by Stacey Lee

This breezily written story is about how two Anglo-Chinese circus performers board the Titanic looking for work in the United States. Of course, it all ends in tragedy.

The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

The boat scene here is brief, but when Ursa arrives in the town of Vardo with her new husband Absalom Cornet, her apprehension is what makes it memorable.

Siege And Storm by Leigh Bardugo

The early part of this book sees Alina and Mal travel along the True Sea in search of the amplifiers. They take a ride on a schooner before crossing paths with the privateer Sturmhond, who is much more than he originally seems.

The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson

The climatic scene in the 1930s timeline takes place on a boat. We finally get to know what happens to Albert Ellingham’s wife and daughter when they went missing.

Where The Crawdads Sing

In this book, Kya Clark and the other characters all have to navigate North Carolina’s marsh habitat by boat. This setting is definitely an extra character here.

The Woman In Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

A murder mystery that takes place on a ship – it does not get much more claustrophobic than that! It really was a genuine thriller for a while, and although the ending was not what I was hoping for, it definitely sticks in the memory.

Let’s Chat

Have you read any of these books? Do you have any favourite books that was totally or partially set on a boat or other aquatic vessel? Let me know in the comments!

Happy reading 🙂

7 thoughts on “Books That Contain Boats

  1. Nice list! I think some of my own favorite “boat books” are Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders, Kristin Cashore’s Seasparrow, and C.S. Lewis’ Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And there was this book called The Lion’s Paw or something that I loved in elementary school? Generally, I seem to have a weakness for anything set at sea 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice list. I have only read Where the crawdads sing? from your list. However, The stranger in the lifeboat by Mitch Ablom was also a good book set on a boat.


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