My A-Z Of Books – N

Hello everyone,

I am in the second half of the alphabet in my lookback of all the noteworthy authors, books, characters and settings I encountered during my first five years of book blogging. It is a large project that is taking long than expected, but they are always fun posts to put together.

This time the letter is ‘N’ for November, so let us get straight to it!


When I started book blogging I had no idea about the world of advanced review copies (ARCs) and proof copies, or the very notion of authors approaching you to review their books.

The first time I agreed to such a thing was for a book called Naliyah by Shauna Kelley. It was quite random and my memory of the story itself is quite hazy, but I remember it being about a girl who was half human, half vampire. It was certainly unique.


The main character in The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa. Nana is a cat, which makes his perspective different to other books, and all the more entertaining. He is a stray who gets claimed by a man called Satoru, and together they go travelling across Japan. The reason why is revealed towards the end, and is really heartbreaking.

Nana Reja

An elderly member of the Morales family in The Murmur Of Bees by Sofia Segovia. She discovers baby Simonopio abandoned under a bridge and takes him in to their rural household. Together, Simonopio and the ageless Nana Reja share a moving connection that lasts forever.

Nash Hawthorne

The eldest of Tobias Hawthorne’s four grandsons in The Inheritance Games trilogy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The most laid back of the quartet, unlike his brothers Nash does not get drawn into the games that Tobias left behind.

Nat Davy

The main character and narrator in The Smallest Man by Frances Quinn. Nat is only a few feet tall and is treated as a curiosity, being presented to Queen Henrietta Maria in an oversized pie. He and the queen go on to be close friends in what turns out to be an empowering story of overcoming the odds.


The mother of Rose in How To Be Brave by Louise Beech. She tells her daughter the story of her grandfather’s miraculous survival on a lifeboat to help her get through the months following her diabetes diagnosis.

Natalie Da Silva

A teenage resident of Little Kilton in A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder by Holly Jackson. Pippa initially thinks she might be connected to the death of Andie Bell, but eventually it is revealed that she is hiding a lot of pain and trauma. The two later become good friends.

Natalie Haynes

The author of a number of feminist books relating to Ancient Greece. The only one I have read is A Thousand Ships, which told the stories of numerous female characters affected by the Trojan War. I really enjoyed that, and have been meaning to read more from her in the future.


Two characters in popular young adult series I have read are called Nate. Firstly we have Nate Macauley, one of the Bayview Four in One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus. He is somewhat unruly and comes from a broken home, but has a softer side and strikes up an unlikely romance with Bronwyn Rojas.

The other Nate is one of Stevie Bell’s best friends at Ellingham Academy in the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson. Although he likes to avoid the situations Stevie gets herself into, he is very loyal and always looks out for her.


The main character in Circus Of Wonders by Elizabeth Macneal. A young woman who has become an outcast because her body is covered in birthmarks, she is discovered by circus leader Jasper Jupiter and becomes his lead act, billed as the Queen of the Moon and Stars. She is successful, but the objectification leads her to rebel.


In Greek mythology, Neoptolemus is the son of Achilles. Once Achilles is killed at the end of the Trojan War, Neoptolemus vows vicious revenge.

New Salem

An area of New York where the three Eastwood sisters try and reignite the old ways of magic in The Once And Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow. As a setting, it is given great amounts of atmosphere and really adds plenty to the story.

New York

A lot of books I have read are set in New York City. Most of these are contemporary such as An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, but other like The Once And Future Witches are historical novels.


A prison in central London that used in Victorian times. It has featured in a few books I have read, but most notably The Corset by Laura Purcell. That tells the story of a 16-year-old female inmate who is accused of murder.


Fearsome shadow creatures created by the Darkling which form part of his army in the Shadow And Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo.

Nick Ward

A University of Oxford Dean who hires Dee to work as a nanny to his mute eight-year-old daughter Felicity, in Magpie Lane by Lucy Atkins. He is often absent because of his job, but when he does appear, he is rather short-tempered.

The Night Circus

An extremely popular book by Erin Morgenstern, which I finally read in 2022, a decade after its release. What makes it so well loved is its sense of magical escapism, and although I found certain parts of the story lacking, it was hugely immersive.

The Night She Disappeared

A thriller by Lisa Jewell which I read at around Easter in 2022. It tells the story of teenage girl who vanished two years ago in mysterious circumstances, before a cryptic note relaunches the investigation. It was a gripping book, and I read the final 120 pages all in one morning!

The Night Visitor

A thriller by Lucy Atkins that I read in late 2018. It is an interesting story with several unique elements, including the academic study of dung beetles. The two main characters are very memorable too.

Image credit: Netflix

Nikolai Lantsov

In my humble opinion, the best character in the Shadow And Bone trilogy, and possibly even the Grishaverse as a whole. Nikolai Lantsov is the crown prince of Ravka who later becomes king. He is fair and reasonable while also being sharp witted and full of ingenuity.

Nina Grimke

A noted female abolitionist in the nineteenth century who appears as a secondary character in The Invention Of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd.  She is extremely rebellious against her family in fighting for the cause.

Nina Markova

A Russian fighter pilot who appears in The Huntress by Kate Quinn. To say that Nina is a compelling character is a total understatement – she is an absolute force of nature!

Image credit: Netflix

Nina Zenik

Some might say that Nina Zenik is the best character in the Grishaverse! She is a heart-render who joins Kaz Brekker and his group on their mission, which first involves freeing her beloved druskelle, Matthias Helvar from prison. Their relationship is one of the most famous in young adult literature.

No Further Questions

A legal thriller by Gillian McAllister, which I read in the summer of 2018. Of all the books I have picked up, this contains one of the highest numbers of perspectives, with the story being told from the points of view of three main characters, the judge, and several witnesses.

No Turning Back

Another book I read in 2018. This thriller was the first novel I read by Tracy Buchanan, and I have been a fan of her work ever since. I got it from the library and took on holiday with me, and I absolutely flew through it in just a couple of days!

No Way Out

The third book in Cara Hunter’s DI Adam Fawley series. This one centres on the investigation into a deadly house fire. I also brought this one on holiday with me, and finished it rather quickly as a result.


The main character in Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. A socialite, Noemi arrives at the house of her sister Catalina, where all sorts of terrifying things happen.


Two standout characters I have read were called Nora. One was the keeper of an ancient apothecary in The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner, who would concoct lethal poisons on behalf of her patrons. The other was the main character in Ruth Ware’s debut thriller In A Dark Dark Wood.

North Carolina

The marshes of North Carolina are the setting for Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. This setting is like a separate character, and they are brought to life beautifully on screen in the film adaptation.

Nothing More To Tell

A thriller by Karen M. McManus, which I read in 2022. It was a good story about two teenagers who investigate the death of a favourite teacher a few years before, though the ending was a tad far-fetched.

Novyi Zem

One of the nations in the Grishaverse, noted for its farming. Alina and Mal briefly visit it during the Shadow And Bone trilogy.


The chief of police in Copenhagen during the events of The Chestnut Man by Soren Svelstrup. He heads the investigation into a sadistic serial killer.

Let’s Chat

Have you come across any of these books, settings, authors, or characters? Let me know in the comments!

Happy reading 🙂

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